テキサスA&M大学よりの言語聴覚学科生が来学しました。 ST Students from Texas A&M University arrived at SCU
On July 19th, five ST students and two chaperones from Texas A&M University arrived at our university.
Even though they only spent one day studying in our University, they have learned about ST in Japan through the lecture and facility visit (University, Seirei Mikatahara General Hospital and Jujino-sono).到着後、5号館の前で本学言語聴覚学科の学生及び教員と写真を撮りました。
When they arrived, we took a commemorative photo with our ST students and faculty members in front of Building No. 5.
After orientation, our ST students were given the lecture on “Speech pathology and Audiology in the USA” by Dr. Sumalai.
During the same time, Texas A&M students were given the lecture on ST care and education systems in Japan by the chair of the ST department, Dr. Shibamoto.お昼を挟んで、午後からのキャンパスツアーでは、聖隷歴史資料館を訪れ、聖隷の精神について学んでもらいました。
In the afternoon, during the campus tour, we visited the Seirei historical museum and learned the philosophy of Seirei.
Then we visited Seirei Mikatahara General Hospital.
At first, we visited rehabilitation ward, then we went on the roof top and see the air ambulance. Lastly, we visited the hospice.
At the closing ceremony; the last program of the day, everyone was handed a certificate of completion one by one from the chair of ST department Dr. Shibamoto.
In return we were given the two university T-shirts as a keepsake.
After leaving Japan, they are going to visit Thailand and China and return to Texas on August 11th.
We do hope that the rest of their trip will continue safely.