海外研修(シンガポール)③/Study visit to NYP③
~学生交流編~ About Student Interaction
SCU students stayed with NYP students (host families) for 2 nights just after their arrival to Singapore, to experience family culture of Singapore. The students were a little nervous about communicating in English before the arrival, however, because they had video chatted in summer, they were very happy to meet NYP students at the airport. Each student had a wonderful time with their host families. Also, they spent some time together during and after the program to deepen their friendship.
- 今でも連絡するほど仲良くなれた。ホストファミリーほど親切にシンガポールのことについて説明してくれる人はいないと思う。
- 日本語をあまり話すことができない人とコミュニケーションを取ることで、英語力向上に繋がった。また、ホストファミリーがとても親切に出迎えてくれたので、楽しい時間を過ごすことができた。
- 英語で困ったこともあったけれど、現地の方にシンガポールを案内してもらうことで良いところをたくさん学ぶことができた。
- ホストファミリーにとても親切にしてもらえて嬉しかったし、文化にも触れることができた。
Comments from participants (excerpt)
- I am still in touch with my host family. My host family shared a lot of things about Singapore. I think no one kindly explains about Singapore as much as my host family.
- This opportunity helped to improve my English by communicating with people who cannot speak Japanese. Also, I had a great time because my host family welcomed me very warmly.
- There were some times when I had troubles in communication, but I learned a lot of good things about Singapore from my host family by traveling around the city with them.
- I was so happy because my host family was very nice. I was able to experience the Singaporean culture as well.