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2020年9月11日 (金)




そんな中、国際リハコースの2年生はオンラインでアメリカのEastern Washington University!!と英会話ワークショップを2日間実施しました





 Hello! We, are international course students, joined online summer camp with Eastern Washington University. Then we learned about Small talk. Small talk is a casual conversation. Small talk makes new relations and is an effective conversation to deepen relations. However, we will make a partner feel unpleasant if not careful about a procedure and a manner. There are four points to perform Small talk making better relations. ① Greeting (say Hello) ② Compliment, statement ③ Pre-Closing (preparations to end a conversation) ④ Closing (say goodbye) If there are these four, we can talk comfortably each other. When we learned these, we used Zoom. We confirmed knowledge with a game and we performed role playing by a break out session in the small group in Zoom. At first, I was not readily used, and a conversation might stop, but came to be able to continue talking for two minutes finally. It is the grace that people of EWU told clearly easily, too. In addition, in the case of the interchange with people of EWU, we told about favorite Japanese culture or the country which wanted to go and told what kind of thing you learned at a university. And it was fun at all. We learned about medical, but we became known about the learning of other universities and were able to have a very good experience. 
#PT #OT #ST #Internationalcourse #seireichristopheruniversity #理学療法学科 #作業療法学科 #言語聴覚学科 #国際リハビリテーションコース #EasternWashingtonUniversity #EWU #SCU #summercamponline Written by Mio Wakasugi

International Course@SCU(@seirei_19post)がシェアした投稿 -



