« インマヌエルカレッジとの国際交流 | メイン | 新年度がスタートしました »

2021年4月 1日 (木)

国際バカロレア初等教育プログラム(IB PYP)勉強会を開催しました。


それに先駆けて、3月24日(水)にこども教育福祉学科の教員を対象としてIB PYP勉強会を開催しました。



※PYP(Primary Years Programme)は、国際バカロレア機構(IBO)が提供する3歳から12歳を対象とした初等教育プログラムです。








On March 24th, we had our very first IB PYP Professional Development Workshop with professors from SCU and teachers from Christopher Kodomoen and Seirei Christopher Elementary School. The purpose of the workshop was to strengthen our community and to start building a culture of inclusion, belonging, ownership, openness, respect, understanding, and trust.


The professors and teachers were divided into groups. The facilitators employed active learning strategies to increase the participants’ motivation and improve their collaborative learning skills. Also, participants were encouraged to be involved in higher-order thinking to get a deeper understanding of the IB framework and topics such as transdisciplinary, the IB learner profiles, international mindedness, and agency in action.


This workshop was a start of the journey for Seirei Gakuen. Hopefully, this experience had contributed to a shared sense of purpose across schools, brought across new ideas regarding educational standards and practices, and aligned us behind a set of shared educational values and a new vision to be considered in the light of global education.