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2020年11月 4日 (水)


みなさん、どうも こんにちは!


理学療法学科 国際リハコースtutorの髙橋です。






「2020年 聖隷国際研究コンファレンス&シンポジウムへ演題登録をして」






























【結果】上記の条件で検索したところ、論文は70本検出された。さらに、バレエダンサーの下肢の障害について特化したレビューを行い、最終的に12本の論文が検出された。それらは全て、学会誌に掲載された論文である。そのうち、記述的研究は8本、介入研究は4本であった。また、研究対象は全てバレエダンサーであり、2群以上の群間を対象としているものは3本、単一群を対象としているものは5本、単一症例は4本であった。症例報告におけるバレエダンサーの障害を評価した結果、膝関節疾患の症例が1本、足関節疾患の症例は7本、足趾障害は1本あり、全体として足関節に着目している報告が多かった。足関節の症例の中でも足関節後方インピンジメント症候群(posterior ankle impingement syndrome:以下PAIS)の症例報告が多く、足関節に着目した7本中、4本がPAISについて着目していた。また、障害発生の割合は、練習時間やバレエの経験年数が長くなるほど高くなると報告されていた。ポアントシューズの使用や足関節の底屈を多くおこなう、バレエダンサーの特殊運動が怪我の原因として挙げられた。






Injury of Lower Extremity in Ballet Dancers: A Systematic Review


BACKGROUND: Some ballet dancers think “X-legs”, it is condition of overextension in the knees, is beautiful. However, this is injury called genu recurvatum. And this makes knee pains or cause of injuring knee anterior cruciate ligament. So, I expected some ballet dancer had genu recurvatum and researched by Ichushi Web from this. Keyword is “genu recurvatum” and “ballet”. But I can’t find applicable paper. And so, I thought I needed to enlarge search condition and research what lower extremity ballet dancers injure.


AIM: The objective of this study was to assemble and synthesize the best available literature from 2010 to 2019 on lower extremity injuries in ballet dancers in Japan.


METHOD: Medical Journal Web was the primary sources of data. Indexed terms such as ballet, and dancers was used to search the database.


RESULTS: Twelve articles were included in the final systematic review. There were eight descriptive studies and four intervention studies. There was considerable methodological heterogeneity among the included studies.  The results of this review suggest that there are 1 paper in case of injury in knee joint, 7 papers in case of injury in ankle joint, 1 paper in case of injury in toe. From these results, there were a lot of reports which said ankle joint. And most of them said case of posterior ankle impingement syndrome (hereinafter, this is called PAIS), 4 papers out of 7 papers said PAIS. By the way, some papers said that the longer ballet dancer practice or have been in ballet, the more their injury rate increase. Some paper said that factor of injury was special movement in ballet dancers, for example, they use pointe shoes and they plantar the ankle.


CONCLUSION: There were many ankle joint injuries reported in ballet dancers in Japan. Data on knee injuries have many limitations. However, the persistent genu recurvatum is of concern for the future development of secondary complications especially when anterior cruciate ligament injury also occurs (hereinafter, this is called ACL injury (Kobayashi, 2019). It is reported that female tends to have higher joint flaccidity which can cause genu recurvatum than male. Most ballet dancers are female. The number of ballet dancers is increasing in Japan. There is a great need for further studies on how genu recurvatum will affect ballet dancers.























About a Japanese physical therapist: A systematic review

-Number of people trend and employment place of the Japanese physical therapist



That there is a Japanese physical therapist how long and to work at what kind of place or make it clear.



A hand searched a page of nonprofit foundation Japanese Physical Therapy Association.



The Japanese physical therapist (hereinafter, this is called PT) is in a tendency to increase, and there are 119,525 people. There is the most Tokyo, and there is PT of 8,694 people. Least one was 662 people of Akita prefecture. The sex ratio is a man: a woman = 6:4, and the ratio of the woman rises as the young group. However, an employment rate who’s the 20s women and 30s women tends to decrease. As for the person who work in medical facilities, as for 67%, medical intermediate institutions

7%, in 2% of old man welfare institutions, Nursing Care Insurance Law connection provided equipment, and child welfare institution 1%, the education, research facility 2%, other 2%, the home were 18%. In addition, PT playing an active part in the foreign countries has 105 people.



From the result, it has demand for PT to be in a tendency to increase. In addition, at an employment place, the reason why there were the most medical facilities is that there is more the number of people of the person of object than other facilities. In addition, education, the research facility was high in an employment rate of PT for the number of facilities, too. It is because there are many students who are the object of education, the research facility.